Marla Meehl has over 20 years of experience managing large research and education network projects. In Marla’s leadership role as Head of the Network Engineering and Telecommunications Section (NETS) in the Computational and Information Systems Laboratory (CISL) at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), she routinely manages a multi-million dollar budget with a staff of 20, in the fulfillment of numerous large scale networking programs supporting the scientists and researchers in the utilization of NCAR high performance computational and data resources. In addition, Marla has been instrumental in the formation and development of external networking projects and activities for the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) including the Front Range GigaPoP (FRGP), Bi-State Optical Network (BiSON), and the Boulder Point of Presence (BPoP).  Marla has a strong relationship with and is a leader in the regional research and education community including the Western Regional Network (WRN), Pacific Research Platform (PRP), the National Research Platform (NRP), is on the Quilt Board of Directors, and is the President of the Westnet Education and Research Consortium (WERC). Marla is the Principle Investigator on the NSF CC* Women in IT Networking at SC (WINS) grant and is a Co-PI on the NSF CC* grant with Navajo Tech University entitled “Nilch’ bee naa alkaa go ohooa doo eidii t’įį” (Translation from the Navajo language: “Using air (technology) to learn and understand new things”). Marla is also the co-chair of the Internet2 Inclusivity Initiative (I2I).